The Hivery, A Women’s Working Space (Mill Valley, CA)
Their Inaugural Author Hour Conversation Pick
Their Inaugural Author Hour Conversation Pick
A reading with Lisa Morehouse as host
A Debut Revue Reading with Elizabeth James, Alia Volz, and Shelly Blanton Stroud
Panelist alongside Jocelyn Johnson and Angie Kim, hosted by author Ellen Sussman.
Panel: Financial Realities in Fictional Spaces with Sara T. Bond, Casey E. Berger, Eddy Boudel Tan, Elizabeth Gonzalez James
In-conversation with Edan Lepucki via Crowdcast
Instagram Live streaming on @shelfbyshelf.
In conversation with Melissa Cistaro •
6 week workshop, 9/21 - 10/26, Tuesdays 4-6pm PST. Limit 12 students.
Registration coming soon!
Kate will be a Zell Visiting Writer at the University of Michigan. Her reading and Q&A will be available at a later date.